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Benefits and Status Quo #

Many anti-union employers, including Penn, try to discourage unionization by making contract negotiations seem SCARY…

“Nothing is guaranteed”

“you could win better pay and benefits, but you could also lose”

“you’ll have to negotiate for the benefits we just give to everyone else”

Not so fast, Penn! Once we vote to form a union, our employer is legally bound to maintain “status quo.”

What is "Status Quo"? #

Status quo is a concept in US labor law that says Penn cannot make unilateral changes to mandatory subjects of bargaining (wages, hours, working conditions) while a contract is being negotiated.

While we’re negotiating a first contract, status quo means Penn can’t unilaterally:

The right to negotiate with the employer doesn’t make us less secure at work, it actually provides more security and protection than we would otherwise have. Because without status quo or a contract, Penn can unilaterally change or take away benefits any time.

Status quo ends when we finish negotiating a contract that addresses union members’ needs, and union members vote to accept it. If the majority of union members don’t think a proposed contract protects their rights, they can reject it, go back to the bargaining table, and remain protected by status quo until a contract is ratified.

We can’t wait to win our election and get to the bargaining table to negotiate for a more secure future for ALL!